by adgrooms on August 22, 2019

In our journey to create a wellness resource, as we are meeting people and learning, each conversation and article generates new questions. We find that some have been answered and we think of more to ask...

Thinking of the processes that are burdensome to physicians and EHRs, in particular - What workflow optimizations are effective? What has been tried and found successful - that other organizations can be confident about implementing? What has been tried and not successful - that can either be modified for an improved experiment or avoided because of no benefit?

Apart from EHRs, what about institutional processes? Does a team-based system effectively distribute responsibilities so physicians can do higher-level problem-solving?

How is scheduling a factor? We know that physicians may be asked to work long hours. What scheduling techniques are most efficient, produce minimal stress and fairly distribute the volume of work?

What are the obstacles to trying ideas for improvement? What are the obstacles to implementing tested and proven improvements? What are the best approaches to implementing change?

To see improvement, it needs to be measured. How are people measuring? The MBI is one good measurement - but does require more surveys and inputs from people. Are there other measurements being used? Are there secondary measures that don't require surveying people that can be used? Could decreased keyboard/mouse time be a useful measurement? How are the levels of employee engagement related? Could increased patient face time be a useful measurement? What are the correlations to burnout? Patient outcomes? Patient satisfaction? What correlations are known? Can be found?

We expect to have many more questions to emerge. What questions can you think of? Is there another angle we could be looking at questions?