
by adgrooms on April 10, 2019

I took a long break from going to the doctor. Not really by choice, but I spent my 20’s and part of my 30’s as an uninsured, usually broke musician. My health care experience 20 years ago was probably a little different than most people as my grandfather was my Primary Care Provider.

If I were sick, it was either a quick trip down the road to his house or stop by the urgent care clinic ...

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by jantzl on April 9, 2019

There has been much said about how programmers and the software industry have done medicine wrong, particularly with the alert-laden, click-hampered, non-interoperable EHR systems (Don't get me started on EMRs. That will be another rant on another day.).

That sounds funny, but I don't, at all, take it lightly. It makes me mad as hell.

It's not a clear-cut issue but as a software ...

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by adgrooms on April 6, 2019

Have you ever considered throwing your computer out of the window because you feel like it’s wasting your time? It’s probably not the computer’s fault, so you can rule out that action. You probably have poorly designed software.

Why do we use technology? Is it because it makes our life easier and more efficient? Most of the time it does, but there is some variance in quality and attention ...

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by jantzl on April 5, 2019

What do you get for all this trouble?

It's hard to quantify but worth looking at.

Better processes and better tools make for a more attractive and sustainable work environment. This is beneficial if you are trying to attract and retain staff. Isn't everyone?

There is reason to think that better processes and better tools lead to better outcomes. Primarily because they just work ...

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by adgrooms on April 3, 2019
Change is a hard sell. We all have at least one area of our life where we are resistant to change. Everyone can become entrenched into ways that we feel are already working - good enough. It can be scary to step out of the comfort zone into an abyss of uncertainty.

Change takes time, and before that can even start, we have to see the benefit and overcome that resistance.  Maybe the ...

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