Posts Tagged with ehr

by jantzl on April 17, 2019

We just attended the Academic Internal Medicine Week in Philadelphia and came back so inspired by the people that we met and conversations that we had. We learned from Coordinators, Chiefs, and Directors from all over the country. Every conversation was a valued opportunity to learn. We met HealthTech innovators from secure chat that can ...

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by jantzl on April 13, 2019

If you search for the difference between EHR and EMR, you'll find other sites that answer this question.

Some sites will define EHR as holistic and EMR as a narrower view. Another way this is explained is that EHR is interoperable and portable, while EMR was built to be an institutional record, in a single practice.

I don't know if everyone who reads this difference sees the same ...

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by jantzl on April 11, 2019

The people working on the frontlines of healthcare have been raising issues about EHRs for frankly too many years now. A great multi-part article (which is an excerpt from a great book) from 2015 ...

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by adgrooms on April 10, 2019

I took a long break from going to the doctor. Not really by choice, but I spent my 20’s and part of my 30’s as an uninsured, usually broke musician. My health care experience 20 years ago was probably a little different than most people as my grandfather was my Primary Care Provider.

If I were sick, it was either a quick trip down the road to his house or stop by the urgent care clinic ...

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by jantzl on April 9, 2019

There has been much said about how programmers and the software industry have done medicine wrong, particularly with the alert-laden, click-hampered, non-interoperable EHR systems (Don't get me started on EMRs. That will be another rant on another day.).

That sounds funny, but I don't, at all, take it lightly. It makes me mad as hell.

It's not a clear-cut issue but as a software ...

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